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Name, Place of Business, Mission Statement

Section 1

Name: This association shall be known as the Sebastopol Wranglers, a non-profit organization incorporated under the laws of, and chartered by, the State of California.

Section 2

Place of Business: The place of business will be Sebastopol, Sonoma County, California.

Section 3

Mission Statement: The objectives or mission statement of this club is to provide pleasure for its members by:

Giving and controlling friendly contests of skill in the use of horses

The promotion of interest in horsemanship

To promote the breeding and improvement of the class of racing, driving and riding horses

The sponsoring of horse shows, rodeos, race meets, and/or combinations of the same

To promote organized club rides and the improvement of riding skill

To promote social activities for its members and the interest of families in group riding


Officers, Directors, Terms of Office

Section 1

Officers and Directors: Shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, Corresponding Secretary, and two (2) Members-at-Large. All of the above are elected positions.

Section 2

Terms of Office: The newly elected officers shall be installed at the December Meeting, and shall hold terms until the installation of their successors. If they are not at the December meeting they shall be considered installed. The outgoing officers shall attend the January board meeting for the purpose of turning over all records of their office to the newly installed officers. The Past President shall remain as an advisor to the Board of Directors for the first quarter of the new year following his/her last term of office.

Section 3

Board of Directors: The Board shall operate in an advisory capacity concerning the affairs, funds and property of the Club, except that of nullifying an action taken by the club membership. It shall authorize payments from Club funds; act upon (after advising and receiving direction from membership), membership applications, forfeitures, resignations and cancellations; require and receive such reports from committees as may be necessary between meetings of the Club; submit policy recommendations to the general membership; and perform other duties as the general membership and/or these By-Laws require.

The Board shall hold a regular Board meeting at least once a month, at a time and place to be determined by the Board

Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by the President, or, upon written request of at least three members of the Board. At least a 24-hour notice (personal, written or telephone) shall be given. The business transacted at any special meeting shall be limited to the subject mentioned in the notice. Minutes shall be taken, recorded and presented to the membership.

A majority of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum.

An Officer or Board member may be removed from office for non-performance of the duties and obligations of the office to which elected. Two unexplained absences from Board of Directors’ meetings constitute non-performance of duties.

The resignation of any Officer/Director shall be directed to the Board.

In the case of vacancy in the office of President, the Vice-President shall be President. In the event of vacancy in any other office, the Board shall recommend a replacement to the general membership who will hold an election at that meeting.


Nominations and Elections

Section 1

Nominations: The nominating committee shall be appointed by the President at the regular September meeting.

Nominations shall be presented to the Membership at the regular November meeting.

The President shall call for Nominations from the floor.

In order to qualify for election, a nominee must have be a member in good standing.

Any member whose name has been placed in nomination from the floor need not be present at the meeting; but written evidence of his/her willingness to accept the office must be presented to the Recording Secretary prior to the election.

The names of all nominees who have failed to give verbal or written notice of acceptance shall be deleted from the ballot.

No members shall be placed in nominations by the nominating committee as a candidate for more than one (1) office in any given election.

Section 2


Time: The election of all Officers and Directors shall be held at the regular November meeting, and in order of business, it shall take place following “New Business.”

Ballot: All nominated Officers and Directors shall be elected by secret ballot. A majority of votes is required.

Tie Vote: In the event of a tie vote for any office, only the names of those candidates who have the same number of votes shall be placed before the membership for a new vote.

Absentee votes: are not allowed.


Functions and Duties of Officers

Section 1

President: shall be Chief Executive Officer of the Club. He or she shall preside at all meetings of the club and the Board of Directors; shall coordinate the work of all other officers; shall appoint Committee Chairs; and other duties commiserate to the position

Section 2

Vice-President: In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall assume the duty of the President.

Section 3

Recording Secretary: It shall be the duty of the Recording Secretary to record and keep the records of the minutes of regular meetings of the Club and of the Board of Directors meetings; provide a meeting agenda of old, unfinished and new business for the President, for each regular Club and Board of Directors meetings; maintain a permanent roll of Club membership attendance at both the regular and the Board of Directors meetings; to be custodian of the permanent records of the Club; to submit to the Club the minutes of the regular and the Board of Directors meetings; If records are kept on computer, a digital copy should also be maintained.

Section 4

Treasurer: It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive all funds of the Club and deposit in a bank or banks designated by the Board of Directors; to keep accurate records of same; to receive monies due the Club from all sources, and maintain appropriate financial records; to present a detailed financial report to the Board at monthly meetings; and present a complete financial report as a resume of the entire year at the January meeting. If accounting is done by computer program, copies must be maintained both on digital media and on paper. The Treasurer shall make available sufficient funds and/or change for events for the Horseshow and Snack Shack Chairs.

Section 5

Corresponding Secretary: The Corresponding Secretary shall be responsible for all the correspondence of the club; maintain a file of the same; publish and send all meeting notices; edit, publish and send the monthly Newsletter and minutes of the regular meetings; be responsible for the Club PO Box contents and key. Any copy done by computer should be saved to digital media also.

Section 6

Members-at-Large: The Members-at-Large shall be two (2) members that are elected by the General Membership to represent their interests on the Board.


Membership. Dues and Sponsorship

Section 1

Membership: The membership shall consist of persons of all ages.

With the exception of Associate Membership, all candidates must attend at least one meeting or other club activity previous to being voted in as a member.

Associate members must turn in their Associate Membership form, Release of Liability and the appropriate fees to a Board member prior to being allowed entry to the arena.

Membership shall be considered by the Board of Directors and presented to the general membership for approval. All potential new members will read the By-Laws, Arena and Standing Rules; complete an application form; sign releases of liability for all members of the family and pay dues.

Any member who places the Sebastopol Wranglers in jeopardy by willful disregard, as deemed by the Board of Directors, for club standing rules, arena rules and By-Laws or whose conduct is calculated to impair the good name or purpose of the Club is subject to:

A probational membership period designated by the Board of Directors and/or

Termination of membership after consideration and a vote of membership.

Members who are minors must join the Club with at least one legally responsible adult joining with them. Legally responsible is per IRS household standards.

No members 17 years of age and under will be allowed to participate in any activities or be on Sebastopol Wrangler Property without being in the care of a responsible adult member and said adult have a signed permission to ride and medical release for said minor.

Membership classes are:

Adult - must be 18 or over

Family – a family will consist of immediate family members as per IRS household standards

Junior with adult membership – Junior member does not have a vote

Lifetime – may be offered to family or individuals. A member must be in good standing for 5 continuous years. The Board of Directors must approve lifetime membership. Lifetime members must provide a Release of Liability for any year that they ride. All rights of membership cease upon the member’s death or dissolution

Adult Associate – an adult member (18 years or over) non-riding, non-voting and no work hours required

Only adult members will have voting privileges

The current Board will recommend membership form changes no later than September of the current year for the next year’s use.

No non-members are allowed on the Sebastopol Wrangler grounds unless it is an open event or the person is a contracted worked.

Section 2

Dues: Dues are as follows:

Non-Working Membership. All non-working members will pay dues as stated in the current year application for membership and not be required to complete work hours.

Working Membership. Working members will pay dues as stated in the current year application Work hours may be counted for workdays, Club Events, snack shack, committee work, board meetings and for a maximum of four general meetings per year. All work performed must be given in writing to the membership chair, on or before the General Meeting of the month the work was performed.

Members 17 and under are considered Junior Members and will pay dues as stated in current year application for membership per year per person.

Lifetime Membership may be offered to families or individuals for the one time fee of 10 times their current membership.

Associate Membership. All Associate Members will pay dues as stated in the current year Associate Member application and not be required to complete work hours.

Only adult members will have voting privileges. Juniors may vote on junior issues at junior meetings and may speak at general meetings on issues affecting junior members.

Section 3

Payment of Dues: Dues are payable by the second meeting of the year. The name of any member failing to pay his or her dues by the regular meeting in March of each year shall be dropped from mailing list and all his or her privileges in the club shall be forfeited. Any member who does not complete his/her required hours from the previous year will not be able to renew as a member unless he/she pays amount as stated in the current year application for membership per uncompleted hour(s). Renewals not paid by the regular March meeting will accrue a 50% late fee or may not renew until the following year.

Section 4

Combination: The combination to the arena will be changed after the end of the current year. Any member giving out the combination to a non-member will result in forfeiture of membership. Combination will be issued upon receipt of membership approval.

Section 5

Resignations and Withdrawls: Written resignations of membership may be submitted at regular membership meetings or to the Board of Directors. A member in good standing may request a withdrawal for a specific amount of time, and ask to remain in good standing. The request should be in the form of a letter of intent, stating the purpose and duration of the withdrawal. The Board would then make a recommendation to the membership for approval. Dues are non-refundable.



Section 1

By the February Board meeting of each year, the books of the Treasurer shall be audited by a committee of two members appointed by the Board of Directors at their November Board meeting.

Section 2

The Treasurer shall make available sufficient funds and/or change for events for the Horseshow and Snack Shack Chairs.

Section 3

The President shall countersign all checks drawn by the treasurer against the club funds and all papers executed in the name of the Club. He or she shall share, with the Recording Secretary, the responsibility of the Safe Deposit Box, and have a key to the Wrangler property, which may be locked.



Section 1

The regular meetings of the Sebastopol Wranglers shall be once a month, on the 4th Wednesday of that month unless individual meetings are moved and approved by the General Membership.

Section 2

Guests are allowed at the Sebastopol Wrangler arena at open events only.

Section 3

The President or Vice-President, and two additional board members plus one member in attendance constitute a quorum for the General Meeting.



Section 1

Standing Committees: As auxiliary to the President, and for the purpose of carrying out routine functions, Chairpersons for the following “Standing Committees” shall be appointed by the President.

By-Laws Committee: shall be appointed by the President and shall report to the club with its recommendations for all proposed amendments to the By-Laws, Standing Rules, and Arena Rules. Recommendations are to be proposed to the Board and approved by the general membership.

Nominating Committee: shall be appointed by the President.

Section 2

Chairpersons: Chairpersons shall act as coordinators of a committees’ work; shall ask for committee volunteers; shall schedule committee meetings; shall notify all committee members of times and places of meetings; shall be in charge of the agenda and running of all committee meetings; shall present committee’s work at both Board and regular meetings; shall delegate work to committee members and his/her self equitably as determined by the committee; may be issued special keys to the arena as is necessary to committee work. Failure to follow through as above should be reported to the President or Vice-President so that a new Chairperson may be appointed. At the discretion of the President or Vice-President a committee may meet and recommend a Chairperson to be appointed.

Section 3

Committees: Committees shall put together a plan with a budget for their respective programs and present it to the Board. Records and receipts must be kept and turned in on all transactions.

Section 4


Junior Advisor: It shall be the duty of the Junior Advisor to hear the suggestions and grievances of the Junior members and to represent them at both the Regular and Board meetings; he or she may also function on the Horse Show Committee; be Chairman of the phoning committee. Must be a junior member. A junior member may remain a Junior member until December of the year in which he or she turned 18. (Age for shows and events must follow prevailing Horse Show or Event Rules.)

Junior Counselor: It shall be the duty of the Junior Counselor to help coordinate the activities of the Junior membership; will organize clinics to instruct Juniors in riding, handling and showing of horses. Must be an adult member.

Arena Director: It shall be the duty of the Arena Director to maintain the Arena property. He or she shall be Chair of Arena Committee; shall make reports of conditions and needs of arena property to both the Board of Directors and the membership; shall schedule work days at the Arena for maintenance and special projects; and with direction from the Board of Directors and the membership, shall coordinate and/or oversee all work and projects on the Arena property.

Horse Show: there may be one chairperson for each board-approved discipline. These Chairpersons and their committee shall be in charge of planning and arranging all shows and submits budgets that are approved by the board.

Drills and Colorguard: Will organize these activities.

Membership: Shall be responsible for acceptance of all membership applications, fees and dues. The money collected to be turned in to the Treasurer upon receipt provide all members with current membership list and list of current officers; provide Corresponding secretary with new member information. Keep record of all work hours.

Point: whose duty is to tally points from events for year-end awards.

Sunshine: whose duties are to send out cards and gifts as directed by the Board or membership.

Trailride: this chairperson shall be in charge of all arrangements (including insurance needs) and plans for rides in which the Club is to participate; to provide supervision of trail safety for the group while on the trail.

Program: shall be in charge of planning and arranging for any Club function at the designated time and place set by the President, and shall be responsible for the program portion of each regular meeting.

Sponsorship: whose duties are to keep an accounting of all sponsors and the soliciting member; should send recognition and/or thank you notes to sponsors; and shall be in charge of publicity on program covers.

Sgt.-of-Arms: whose duties are to order at the general meetings.

Snack Shack: shall provide the sale of food and refreshments at all arena activities; be responsible for all purchases; and maintain a staff. No children under 16 years of age may work at the counter unless supervised by an adult.

Publicity: shall provide all publicity for any and all Club activities; maintain a scrapbook of all publicity releases, photos, or printed matter covering the activities of the Club.



Section 1

Bartleson Trophy: A perpetual trophy, awarded to the “High Point” Junior of the year; open to all Junior members in good standing; rules and regulations must be mailed by the Chairperson to all eligible Junior members in January of each year; new Junior members to be given a copy, along with the By-Laws, when receiving their membership cards. 

2011 - Trophy is lost.

Section 2

No member may profit in any way from the use of Sebastopol Wrangler property or title.

Section 3

Email may be used in luau of US mail.



Section 1

These By-Laws may be amended by a majority vote at any regular meeting of the organization provided notice of the proposed amendment has been given in writing at the previous meeting, or in a call for any special meeting, at which action is to be taken. Any proposed amendments must be mailed at least thirty (30) days before the meeting.


Parliamentary Authority

Section 1

The rules contained in the updated version of The Roberts Rules of Order, to be purchased by and kept by the Club, shall govern this Club in all cases to which they are applicable, and are not covered by these By-Laws, and shall be interpreted and applied by a parliamentarian, to be appointed by the presiding President within thirty days after taking office.


Use of By-Laws

Section 1

The By-Laws of Sebastopol Wranglers are meant to be a guideline or a set of rules, which enables the running of business to proceed smoothly to the benefit of its Club members. They should be an enhancement to our club’s mission, not a deterrent. It is the intention of this Club to change or update these By-Laws at any time it is apparent that the measures do not fit the needs of its Club membership. Standing Rules may be used as a temporary trial ground for any future changes being considered. Arena Rules will be considered addendums to the Regular Standing Rules.

P.O. Box 95
Sebastopol, CA 95473

2412 Meier Rd.
Sebastopol, CA 95472